
Summary: We have a problem when modifying an ICS that contains “DURATION=“.

We have a cal.com instance that is connected to a SOGo caldav server. 
cal.com create events in SOGo calendars with DTSTART & DURATION options.

If we modify the event in SOGo (to add an additional attendee), SOGo adds 
“DTEND” in the ICS but doesn't remove the “DURATION".

At the end, the ICS contains DURATION and DTEND, but the rfc5546 says : 
|   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  present
|   DURATION      | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be  present

When the ICS contains DTEND & DURATION, the event is not visible on Apple 
Calendar.app (via the caldav connection) and the ICS cannot be manually 
imported (On macOS 13.6, Calendar.app says "No event was added. No valid events 
were found to add to your calendar.").

I tested it with Thunderbird and Korganizer on linux and they accept it.

I think it is a SOGo bug, isn’ t it ?

Thank you.


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