On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 9:19 PM Bits 'n Tricks <users@sogo.nu> wrote:


it came from /var/log/sogo/sogo.log:

ERROR: Table 'sogo.sogo_users' doesn't exist

PS: I hate to-posting!

In one of my setups, I have these definitions in sogo.conf:

/* Database Configuration */
SOGoProfileURL = "mysql://sogou:/* Database Configuration */ SOGoProfileURL = "mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [1]"; OCSFolderInfoURL = "mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [2]"; OCSSessionsFolderURL = "mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [3]"; OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL="mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [4]";

OCSStoreURL="mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [5]"; OCSAclURL="mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [6]"; OCSCacheFolderURL="mysql://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@ [7]";

Looking at the exim4u DB:

root@localhost [exim4u]> show tables;
| Tables_in_exim4u       |
| blocklists             |
| domainalias            |
| domains                |
| group_contents         |
| ml                     |
| mygroups               |
| sogo_acl               |
| sogo_alarms_folder     |
| sogo_auth_view         |
| sogo_cache_folder      |
| sogo_folder_info       |
| sogo_quick_appointment |
| sogo_quick_contact     |
| sogo_sessions_folder   |
| sogo_store             |
| sogo_user_profile      |
| users                  |

As you can see, there's nothing like sogo_users table in the DB!

If you need more help, I will do that, but only IF you do not top-post!


Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
In an Internet failure case, the #1 suspect is a constant: DNS.
"Oh, the cruft.", egrep -v '^$|^.*#' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :-)
[How to ask smart questions: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html]

Bottom postingi in HTML mails is not ideal, that's why I don't do it usually. Anyway, I have only one occurrence in the sogo.conf file and it is this:

viewURL = "mysql://sogo:password@";

But it is also in my other serverwhich does work with that config and it also has the sogo_users table ...


[1] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@
[2] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@
[3] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@
[4] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@
[5] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@
[6] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@
[7] http://sogou:XXXXXXXXXX@

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