Do you mean 636 instead of 686?
Windows server uses 636 port for sure because when I do "telnet home.arpa 686" it's open.
But if I use hostname = "ldapS://home.arpa:636" - I can't connect with SOGo web page to LDAP, no security logs in Windows during that operation.
But without "S" - hostname = "ldap://home.arpa:389" - it works as intended.
Maybe I also need to add domain client certificate to SOGo in order to get secure access?
12.05.2024, 23:38, "Marco Moock (m...@dorfdsl.de)" <users@sogo.nu>:

Am 12.05.2024 um 05:44:53 Uhr schrieb Roman:

 I keep getting these errors:
 " TLS: can't connect: Error in the pull function..
 ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)"
 Although if I run the same command without the "S" - ( ldapsearch -H
 ldap://home.arpa -D "us...@home.arpa" -w "Password" -b
 "DC=home,DC=arpa" -d1 ) everything works fine. But the port 636 is
 open (checked with telnet).

Add the port to the configuration to make sure it uses 686.
Use a sniffer to verify it uses 686.

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