
I haven't set globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount and SOGoLDAPQueryLimit! I set the variables as this for Sogo v5.10.0 :

*        SOGoUserSources =
                        type = ldap;
                        CNFieldName = cn;
                        UIDFieldName = uid;
                        IDFieldName = uid; //first field of the DN for direct binds                         bindFields = (uid, mail); //array of fields to use for indirect binds
                        baseDN = "ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt";
                        bindDN = "cn=reader,dc=demo222,dc=pt";
                        bindPassword = "385831e5962a9d6516971c8f6a08d65d";
                        canAuthenticate = YES;
                        displayName = "Users" ;
                        hostname = "ldap://";;
                        id = "colaboradores";
                        isAddressBook = YES;
                        listRequiresDot = NO;
                        globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount = 100;
                        SOGoLDAPQueryLimit = 500;
                        SOGoSearchMinimumWordLength = 3;

but the Address Book list remains empty!

However, i tested the last nightly version and all the Address Books worked fine! I haven't set globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount and SOGoLDAPQueryLimit on this version too.

Do you know when the Sogo v5.10.1 will be release?

Best regards,


Às 11:58 de 23/05/24, Christian Mack (christian.m...@uni-konstanz.de) escreveu:

What have you set for globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount and SOGoLDAPQueryLimit?

With "listRequiresDot = NO;" it should display globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount Entries, if SOGoLDAPQueryLimit is bigger or equal than globalAddressBookFirstEntriesCount.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 22.05.24 um 17:49 schrieb Eduardo Maia (em...@ipbrick.com):

I don't see contacts in the others global addressbooks, because they have the same problem and also the same configuration!

On the Calendar i can search the "Users" by name/email and select them without problems.

If I configure "listRequiresDot = YES;" in sogo.conf, I can now search for contacts in all global address books.

However, entering on the page of each Address Book the list remains empty!

I'm going to test with the last nightly version.

Best regards,


Às 16:04 de 22/05/24, qhivert (qhiv...@alinto.eu) escreveu:

Do you see the contacts of the others global addressbooks?
Can you try to search for a user in your ‘Users’ calendar group and tell me if it works or not?

I know there has been dev on the parameter *listRequiresDot = NO; * which allows or not to directly show all the users, but in your configuration it should be working. I also test it with your same config and the last nightly and it works on my machine (ubuntu 22).

*From:*users-requ...@sogo.nu <users-requ...@sogo.nu> *On Behalf Of *Eduardo Maia
*Sent:* mercredi 22 mai 2024 16:39
*To:* users@sogo.nu
*Subject:* Re: [SOGo] AddressBook remains empty - Sogo v5.10.0


I'm not searching for a user. It's happen when I click on the Address Book. Here is a screenshot:

About the debug, I already have it enabled:

*root@ipb8:~# tail -21 /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

    GCSFolderDebugEnabled = YES;
    GCSFolderStoreDebugEnabled = YES;
    LDAPDebugEnabled = YES;
    MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES;
    NGImap4DisableIMAP4Pooling = YES;
    ImapDebugEnabled = YES;
    OCSFolderManagerSQLDebugEnabled = YES;
    PGDebugEnabled = YES;
    SOGoDebugRequests = YES;
    SOGoMailKeepDraftsAfterSend = YES;
    SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
    SoDebugObjectTraversal = YES;
    SoSecurityManagerDebugEnabled = YES;
    WODontZipResponse = YES;
    WODebugZipResponse = YES;


root@ipb8:~# *

I received LDAP debug messages when logging in with a user :

*May 22 15:32:34 sogod [105042]: <0x0x555692c05060[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_initialize for LDAP URL: ldap:// <ldap://> May 22 15:32:34 sogod [105042]: <0x0x555692b89090[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_initialize for LDAP URL: ldap:// <ldap://> 2024-05-22 15:32:34.436 sogod[105042:105042] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search at base 'ou=users,dc=demo222,dc=pt' filter '(|(uid=emaia)(mail=emaia))' for attrs 'dn' May 22 15:32:34 sogod [105042]: <0x0x555692b4e5e0[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_initialize for LDAP URL: ldap:// <ldap://> 2024-05-22 15:32:34.439 sogod[105042:105042] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search at base 'ou=users,dc=demo222,dc=pt' filter '(|(uid=emaia)(mail=emaia))' for attrs '*' May 22 15:34:06 sogod [105042]: <0x0x555692ce8a60[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_initialize for LDAP URL: ldap:// <ldap://>*

Testing LDAP with a query for the Address Book, I get:

*root@ipb8:~# ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// <ldap://> -D "cn=reader,dc=demo222,dc=pt" -b "ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt" -w PASS "cn" "uid" "mail"
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: cn uid mail

# Users, demo222.pt
dn: ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt

# emaia, Users, demo222.pt
dn: uid=emaia,ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt
cn: Eduardo Maia
mail: em...@demo222.pt
uid: emaia

# dsantos, Users, demo222.pt
dn: uid=dsantos,ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt
cn: Diana Santos
mail: dsan...@demo222.pt
uid: dsantos

# administrator, Users, demo222.pt
dn: uid=administrator,ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt
cn: Administrator
mail: administra...@demo222.pt
uid: administrator

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 5
# numEntries: 4
root@ipb8:~# *

Best regards,


Às 14:57 de 22/05/24, qhivert (qhiv...@alinto.eu) escreveu:

    Could you tell me if you’re searching for a user in this address
    book, is there any result?
    Also, could you add LDAPDebugEnabled = YES; to your sogo.conf (and
    restart sogo)


    *From:*users-requ...@sogo.nu <users-requ...@sogo.nu>
<mailto:users-requ...@sogo.nu> *On Behalf Of *Eduardo Maia
    *Sent:* mercredi 22 mai 2024 12:27
    *To:* users@sogo.nu
    *Subject:* [SOGo] AddressBook remains empty - Sogo v5.10.0


    I configured an AddressBook based on my OpenLDAP users, but with
    the new Sogo version 5.10.0 on Debian BookWorm, it’s not working.
    The AddressBook remains empty.”

    I tried with some nightly versions and a compiled version. The
    result was the same.

    Note: The same configuration on Sogo 5.9.0 and Debian Buster works

    Configuration on my /etc/sogo/sogo.conf :

    * SOGoUserSources =
                            type = ldap;
                            CNFieldName = cn;
                            UIDFieldName = uid;
                            IDFieldName = uid; //first field of the DN
    for direct binds
                            bindFields = (uid, mail); //array of
    fields to use for indirect binds
                            baseDN = "ou=Users,dc=demo222,dc=pt";
                            bindDN = "cn=reader,dc=demo222,dc=pt";
                            bindPassword =
                            canAuthenticate = YES;
                            displayName = "Users" ;
                            hostname = "ldap://";
                            id = "colaboradores";
                            isAddressBook = YES;
                            listRequiresDot = NO;
                            SOGoSearchMinimumWordLength = 3;

    *        );*

    Extract from /var/log/sogo/sogo.log (with debug enabled):

    *May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on
    uri '/SOGo/so/emaia/Contacts/colaboradores/view'
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo| traverse(acquire): emaia =>
    Contacts => colaboradores => view
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'emaia'
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'Contacts'
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo|   do traverse name:
    2024-05-22 11:10:15.173 sogod[105042:105042] PG0x0x5556926d4390
    SQL: SELECT c_path4 FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path2 = 'emaia'
    AND c_folder_type = 'Contact'
    2024-05-22 11:10:15.176 sogod[105042:105042] PG0x0x5556926d4390
    SQL: SELECT c_path4 FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path2 = 'emaia'
    AND c_folder_type = 'Contact'
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'view'
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo| set clientObject:
    <0x555692a31250[SOGoContactSourceFolder]: name=colaboradores
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: |SOGo| request took 0.010682
    seconds to execute
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: <0x0x555692a57ff0[WOResponse]>
    Zipping of response disabled
    May 22 11:10:15 sogod [105042]: "POST
    /SOGo/so/emaia/Contacts/colaboradores/view HTTP/1.1" 200 74/46
    0.013 - - 0 - 12*

    Anyone could help ?

    Thanks in advance!

    *Eduardo Maia*
    /IPBrick IDI/


*Eduardo Maia*
/IPBrick IDI/

Eduardo Maia
/IPBrick IDI/   IPBRICK R&D <https://www.ipbrick.com/>
Av. da França, 821
4250-214 Porto
Portugal        TEL: +351 220 126 921
TLM: +351 933 568 871
FAX: +351 225 189 722
UCoIP: em...@ipbrick.com
www.ipbrick.com <https://www.ipbrick.com/>
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