Spamd1 - 4 handle an average of 1.5 million messages per day, 810 per minute.
Each box is configured to a max child of 128, and usually hover around 70% cpu idle, and 500 megs of ram free.

Very impressive. I have a single spamd box, running 3.0.1, with four 3gHz Xeons and 4-gigs of memory. It's handling about 150,000 messages a day with peaks in the 350/minute range. I also have around 70% cpu idle and 500 megs of memory free most of the time. I've never used any swap.

However when we tested 3.0 on one of the live spamd boxes, even after throttling the max-child down to say 64, the cpu's are pegged, and around 500 megs into swap.

Another interesting thing I noticed, when SA 2.63 is set to 128 children it only spawns them as needed. SA 3.0 likes to spawn the full number of children no matter what!

How many spamd processes are alive (on average) on your 2.63 box? That's the number that I would choose to startup under 3.0. It's a different philosophy: 2.6 starts up children as needed, up to the max. So as mail comes in there is a performance hit to start these processes. 3.0 starts up however many you ask for at the beginning so that they're already running and ready to go. Since my spamd box is dedicated, I prefer the new prefork model.

FWIW, I start up 40 children. Each one claims a memory size of about 43 meg. I'm running the standard rules plus 16 of the SARE rule sets.


   Rick Beebe                                            (203) 785-6416
   Manager, Systems & Network Engineering           FAX: (203) 785-3481
   ITS-Med Production Systems                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Yale University School of Medicine
   Suite 124, 100 Church Street South 
   New Haven, CT 06519

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