On Tue, 9 Jan 2018, Kris Deugau wrote:

Joseph Brennan wrote:
 The case in point is an application that sends a report to a few people as
 a plain text document, and the only mime part is the attachment, which is
 called application/octet-stream and has a .txt file extension. I feel like
 this should count in __ANY_TEXT_ATTACH.

 (I'm actually surprised that there is nothing like application/plaintext
 for this case, but I could not identify such a type in a web search.)

Personally, I think anything using "application/octet-stream" for any ASCII text anything is Doing It Wrong.

If it's really just pure ASCII text, "text/plain" would be a lot better.

+1 - that application is behaving in a very spammy manner.

Also (making an assumption here), you should probably save processing overhead by bypassing internal automatically-generated emails in your glue.

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