See my post of 25/20/2017 to this list.

Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 20:31, David Jones <> wrote:

> Would a plugin need to be created (or an existing one enhanced) to be able to 
> detect this type of spoofed From header? From: " !"  
> Does anyone else think this would be a good 
> idea to make a rule that at least checks both the From:name and From:addr to 
> see if there is an email address in the From:name and if the domain is 
> different add some points? We are seeing more and more of this now that SPF, 
> DKIM, and DMARC are making it harder to spoof common/major brands that have 
> properly implemented some or all of them. -- David Jones>

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