Hi all,

        Just FYI, for those of you who use DecodeShortURLs.pm ... it appears 
that, if you are running in a per-user setup (i.e., running spamd as root such 
that it does a setuid <user> when invoked from spamc, and/or allowing 
individual users to run spamassassin), then the short-URL cache used by DSU 
must be world-writable (or, more correctly, writable by all users invoking 
spamd/SA), else the DSU rules fail.  This is because DSU is trying to write to 
the cache file; if it appears read-only to spamd/SA, the HAS_SHORT_URL rule 
fails, which halts DSU operation.

        Unfortunately the error is completely silent unless running in debug 
mode, and since very few people operate spamd that way (or even SA, in normal 
usage), the only way one would notice this is because the rule fails to fire 
when it should.  Sysadmins who normally use spamd as root, but check their 
installation via manually invoking SA as root, could potentially miss this.

I filed an issue at DSU's github:

The workaround for now, if running per-user, is to make the DB world-writable.  
The ultimate solution would be to fail gracefully (ignore failure to write; 
treat failure to read as "not found"; perform appropriate lookups even if not 
writable), and to provide an option for per-user databases, like with Bayes.

Unfortunately I'm not at a position where I can patch the code myself, but I 
wanted to let SA list users know, in case they might be in the same boat.


--- Amir

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