On 1 Apr 2018, at 12:26 (-0400), Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

So let's look at
my problem again: running my example spam through spamassassin gets it
marked as spam while using spamc+spamd does not.

This is a critical fact. It indicates that your spamd and the spamassassin script you are running are definitely using different SpamAssassin configurations, possibly different versions of the SpamAssassin distribution, and or possibly even different versions of Perl.

Determining what config the spamassassin script is using is fairly easy: 'spamassassin -D generic,config,diag --lint' will give you all the details. Figuring out what spamd is using is less simple (and system-specific) but since you've been maintaining a system by hand for a long time I expect you'll be able to figure out how to do so safely.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Currently Seeking Steady Work: https://linkedin.com/in/billcole

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