On 05/08/2018 03:02 PM, Alex wrote:
Does anyone have any special techniques for catching these invoice phish emails?


I've added a few body rules, and even despite training previous
similar messages as spam, they continue. These emails very closely
resemble legitimate email regarding invoices that purchasing people
fall for them all the time.

Senderscore greater than 90, and routed through O365.

The domain is no longer defined in DNS, but even the x-originating-ip
is not currently listed on any RBL.

I ran it through my SA platform manually:

Content analysis details:   (5.9 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 1.2 ENA_SUBJ_INVOICE       Subject contains suspicious invoice wording
 2.2 MISSING_HEADERS        Missing To: header
-3.2 BAYES_00               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1%
                            [score: 0.0000]
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
-0.1 DKIM_VALID_AU Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from author's
 3.2 DCC_CHECK              Detected as bulk mail by DCC (dcc-servers.net)
-0.1 DKIM_VALID Message has at least one valid DKIM or DK signature 0.1 DKIM_SIGNED Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid 0.2 ENA_NO_TO_CC No To: or Cc: so it must have been completely Bcc'd
 0.2 ENA_FREEMAIL           No description available.
2.2 ENA_DIGEST_FREEMAIL Freemail account hitting message digest spam seen
                             by the Internet (DCC, Pyzor, or Razor).

What I have had to do is basically increase the score on all invoice emails to try to block the bad ones and then whitelist the good ones.

That email was BCC'd which is another suspicious trait which is why I bump up the score for MISSING HEADERS. I have other ways to penalize these emails at SMTP time based on the number of BCC'd recipients if this were received by my servers but I can't tell after the fact like this.

There is so much junk coming out of Office 365 right now from compromised accounts and otherwise that it's really hard to accurately filtering O365 email. I have created a rule based on the X-OriginatorOrg: header to start subtracting points for known OK senders and then bumping up other rule hits like invoice-related ones that come from O365. I know this doesn't help with compromised accounts in known OK Orgs but it definitely cuts down the majority of the fake invoice emails.

header __RCVD_OFFICE365 Received =~ /\.outbound\.protection\.outlook\.com \[/ header __RCVD_OFFICE365_PROXY X-ClientProxiedBy =~ /\.outlook\.com \(/

header __OFFICE365_TRUST_ORG X-OriginatorOrg =~ /^(ena\.com|example\.com)/

score   TRUSTED_O365_ORG        -1.2

score   TRUSTED_O365_ORG_INVOICE        -1.2

header SUBJ_INVOICE Subject =~ /([Ii]nvoice|ACH|Payment.Advice)/ describe SUBJ_INVOICE Subject contains suspicious invoice wording
score           SUBJ_INVOICE        1.2

I am sure that now I have posted my SUBJ_INVOICE rule on this list that the spammers will deviate slightly and I will have to add more regex to my rule. I know they want to mimic other commercial invoices so they will not change it too much.

David Jones

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