On 05/30/2018 07:59 AM, Rupert Gallagher wrote:
You prefer the blind-fold solution: the Microsoft way where you click click and 
click again here and there and feel good that you have solved the problem. 
Unfortunately it does not work that way. We blacklisted Microsoft IPs without 
RDNS, out of evidence, while Zen has them whitelisted out of nowhere, for 

because those IPs had no rdns they were tempfailed with a 450.
If your user base doesn't care about missed mail, mine got quite loud due to these temp rejects.

I opted to be one of the many who informed MS backchannels that they had a problem.

Also, if I discover an IP range which qualifies for PBL, I take the time to research thoroughly and submit to my Spamhaus contacts. That helps me and others...
But then, who am I to know.... (only being doing this since 1997)

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On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 06:06, Axb <axb.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 05/30/2018 12:50 AM, Rupert Gallagher wrote: > We spent months herding those 
free-range animals... Catching them is tedious, because there is no standard that binds ISPs 
to just prefix all such domains with "dyn-". which is why it's so efficient to use 
Spamhaus' PBL (included in Zen) https://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/ and spend the gained time 
chasing waterfalls, unicorns and world peace.

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