Using a script and a crontab.  That's about as automatic as you can get.

For example, we have several account aliases that we have intentionally
signed up on the remove lists and they all end up in a user account
called spam.  There will never be any legitimate email going to this
account.  So every night around 2:am we pump it through sa-learn and
then :> the mbox.  Just make sure you use the correct permissions when
doing this.



-----Original Message-----
From: Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: Effectiveness

That worked but your right it has no effect on the autolearn=spam.  Any
how I get it to autolearn all email to a given address as spam?


> score USER_IN_BLACKLIST_TO 100.0
> or whatever score you want
> Dunno if the bayes auto-learner works with blacklist_to rules; it
> work with some whitelist rules.

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