On 10/5/2018 4:22 AM, Vlad Shpolyanskiy wrote:
> sa-spamd.sa-spamd
> <http://spamassassin.1065346.n5.nabble.com/file/t6289/sa-spamd.sa-spamd>  
> Just in case I have attached FreeBSD script.
> May be you are right, I posted to the wrong place, should address this to
> the FreeBSD port maintainer.
I would talk to the FreeBSD port maintainer.  That script is not all the
guts of how their system works and I'm not familiar with it.  I would
point out that one bug on the process name change.  I'd bet it has
something to do with it based on other distros.

Kevin A. McGrail
VP Fundraising, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

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