On 22/10/2018, 10:41, "Daniele Duca" <d...@staff.spin.it> wrote:

    On 21/10/2018 09:15, Henrik K wrote:

    > I wonder who's going to be the first to offer public bitcoin DNS 
    > I could make plugin for it. :-)
    > In the meantime, here's something to try..

I've got a beta public list setup running from this API and a few other smaller 
sources - anyone interested you're free to contact me off list

    The only caveat is that rbldnsd is case insensitive, so there MAY be
    legit BTC addresses that match abused ones, but in my setup is a risk
    I'm willing to take.

This can be resolved by hashing the BTC address before lookup and looking up 
the result hash in the DB


Paul Stead
Senior Engineer (Tools & Technology)
Zen Internet

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