On Mon, 2018-10-29 at 18:18 +0000, RW wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 17:26:29 +0000
> Martin Gregorie wrote:
> > describe MG_BARE_IP Bare IP in a URI
> > body     __MG_BAI0 /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/
> > uri      __MG_BAI1 /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/\w*/
> > meta     MG_BARE_IP (__MG_BAI0 || __MG_BAI1)
> > score    MG_BARE_IP 0.01
> > 
> > Note that the bare IP - n.n.n.n - is NOT a URI and so must be a
> > body
> > text rule while the bare IP with a '/name' suffix is a URI and so
> > is
> > found by a URI rule. 
> What I'm seeing is that an IP address is only identified as a URI if
> there is a protocol. Having a path doesn't matter.
When I tested it here (SA 3.4.1), simply appending /alphastring to the
bare IP caused it to be recognised by a URI rule. I was a little
surprised as I'd been expecting the httpd:// or https:// prefix would
be required.


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