On 11/26/2018 06:08 AM, Martin Gregorie wrote:
Write yourself a plugin which looks up a database table of known addresses. Thats not hard if you know a bit of Perl,


though the list of incoming addresses sounds too simplistic to be much use: how would it distinguish between spammers and non-spammers?

My idea is to use the number of recognized vs unrecognized addresses in the To: & CC: headers as a signal of how likely the message is to be spam. (This is where I was considering adding something to the spam score for each unrecognized address.)

Instead, consider populating the database with addresses that your users have sent mail to because by and large these will not be spammers.

I agree with your logic. But I don't know if I want to organically grow the list based on outgoing email recipients. I think I'd rather use the contents of address books. (Obviously something needs to get said address book data from MUAs to the server where it can use it.)

Other points:

- if each address entry carries the date mail was last sent to it you'll have an easy way to purge the list of addresses that nobody has corresponded with in, say, the last two years: this 'time to live' is long enough to deal with annual subscriptions, etc.

- you'll also need a tool for removing spammers that got on because a user clicked 'send' without reading a message carefully enough to see that it was spam

I understand your points. But I think your point's merit depends on the organic / automatic growth from outgoing email. Which I'm not wanting to do at this time.

I've had this sort of system running for about 10 years now, using PostgreSQL as the database. By and large this looks after itself without needing more than sporadic maintenance, usually when PostgreSQL has a major upgrade every year or two. But then PostgreSQL is designed to be self maintaining apart from making periodic backups. I do these weekly.


I wonder if I could leverage LDAP instead of a (more) traditional SQL database. That way the same data set might be used for more than just this purpose. It might even be possible to use the LDAP address book as the data source for this. }:-)

I suspect I could just as easily have something dynamically update the LDAP address book as I could an SQL database. Granted, the mechanics would be different, but it could still be done.

Thank you for confirming that (something along the lines of) $THIS is possible.

Grant. . . .
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