On 2019-05-14 09:17, John Hardin wrote:
On Tue, 14 May 2019, cyflhn wrote:

It has happened many times that the emails from our server were identified as
spam. I have checked the emails which were not identified as spam. But I
found that the SpamAssassin Scoring For MDAEMON_DNSBL is quite high, the
score of MDAEMON_DNSBL is always 4. I also checked the logs of SpamAssassin
and here are some messages:

Is this a local SA install, or some third party testing service? If the latter, who?

Performing DNS-BL lookup
* zen.spamhaus.org - passed
* bl.spamcop.net - passed
* bad.psky.me - failed -

That doesn't appear to be SA related. Is that just informational related data?

* 1.6 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
* [score: 0.5000]
* 4.0 MDAEMON_DNSBL MDaemon: marked by MDaemon\'s DNSBL
* 2.1 FREEMAIL_FORGED_REPLYTO Freemail in Reply-To, but not From

I still don't know what's reason for such a high score for MDAEMON_DNSBL

That rule is not in the base SA ruleset so we can't help you analyze it. I suggest you contact MDaemon to see why you're listed.

I've been aware on a family matter, but I can provide a bit of context about this particular rule. I previously worked with MDaemon (then Alt-N Technologies) and although this was some years ago I'm still familiar with the product and can help off-list if needed, feel free to reach out on or off list as applicable.

The "Performing DNS-BL lookup" header (above) shows the DNS-BLs which are configured in MDaemon and the results for each. bad.psky.me has not (to my knowledge) ever been a default in MDaemon.

Normally you should only use DNS-BLs for outright blocking at this stage (and let SpamAssassin's own DNS-BL functionality score) as this feature provides pre-DATA message rejection, but if you choose to accept messages that hit MDaemon's DNS-BL then you can pass points into SpamAssassin via the MDAEMON_DNSBL rule.

There are a few reasons for this, but mainly it comes down to the fact that MDaemon's DNS-BL implementation predated SpamAssassin being supported by MDaemon, and in the initial implementation there were a number of issues with SpamAssassin's implementation when running under Windows. These issues are long since resolved, but there is no incentive to remove the integration.

Removing the IP from bad.psky.me will cause the rule in SpamAssassin to disappear. Since bad.psky.me seems to be in a "list the world" phase the MDaemon administrator should completely remove this DNS-BL from the MDaemon configuration.

There is nothing a sender can do, only the receiving MDaemon server's administrator can make changes here.

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