From: Martin Gregorie <> <>
Reply: <> <>
Date: December 4, 2019 at 4:12:22 PM
To: <>
Subject:  Re: Custom rule help

On Wed, 2019-12-04 at 12:40 -0800, Chris Mulcahy wrote:
> I want a rule that scores if “sitename” is not in the From: line. If
> they send from, I’ll assume it’s legit. If sitename
> does not exist, I’ll tick up the score a bit. I have done this for
> some specific domains but they are all individual rules hardcoding the
> domain name.
Presumably, you mean that if it matches, add a positive value to push it
toward spam. If no match, ignore.

One way would be to build a giant list of alternates along the lines of

header MYRULE M:addr =~ /(site1\.com\@mydomain\.com||....)/
I did something similar some years back, but I first designed a
definition file that was easy to edit: it has fixed details such as the
descriptive comments, the rule name and score on a set of lines at the
front of the file. This is followed by the list of alternates, each on a
separate line. It helps maintenance and the addition of new terms if you
keep the alternates in alphabetic sequence too.

Then I wrote a script that reads the definition and spits out a .cf file
containing a correctly formatted SA rule. This is a bash script that
runs a gawk script to do the heavy lifting. I used gawk because i know
and like it, but any scriptable language should do: Perl, Python or even
Javascript or BASIC are all possibilities.

You can download my solution from here:



Thanks for the quick reply!

Actually, I want it to score if there ISN’T a match. If I get an email
addressed to from an address that isn’t from
slashdot, it’s likely spam.

Currently, I am doing like you mentioned with a bunch of individual rules
that look like this:
header   __CRM_FAMAZON   From =~ /amazon/i
header   __CRM_TAMAZON   To =~ /amazon/i
meta     CRM_AMAZON      (!__CRM_FAMAZON && __CRM_TAMAZON)
describe CRM_AMAZON      amazon in to address but not from
score    CRM_AMAZON      1.5

But I have to edit the rules every time I find a new one that comes in. I
failed to keep the list because at the time I never anticipated spam would
be as prevalent as it is.

I did grab your solution and will look through it. It may make this a less
painful process.


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