John Hardin <> writes:

> On Fri, 19 Jun 2020, micah anderson wrote:
>> So, what can I do to tweak these rules to score things up more,
>> specifically the rules that provide a low false positive rate[1]. This
>> seems something that should be done programmatically, and not
>> manually. It seems like what 'masscheck' maybe does generically for all
>> rules for all installations, but can I use that to just adjust our rules
>> for our particular breed of spam that comes through?
> How about: analyze your spamtrap for recent source IP addresses on a 
> quick schedule (hourly?) and drive a local DNSBL from IPs seen more than 
> 2-3 times in the last 24-48 hours?

Interesting possibility... but if I look at the current batch that made
it through, I see:

1. amazon aws
2. gmail (amusingly saying my amazon prime membership is going to
3. mailchimp

all of those would not be good to block :(

Its not always like that, but it does happen.


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