
Change: Words 'blacklist/whitelist' to something politically correct (hope and change).

Proponents: Those who want this change

Opponents: Those who don't want this change

Though we agree in the end--we're both opponents--I believe arguing the technical merits is useless (not with me, with the proponents) since the decision by the proponents wasn't based in the technical, it was based in the social.

As I've pointed out in previous posts the proponents are under a delusion.

The multicultural agenda is doomed to fail because it seeks to unify people who think differently as is evidenced on this list. Look at Europe and the U.S. now. There has been years of the multicultural agenda pushed on these cultures and it has brought no unity but upheaval and it will only get worse. The proponents are bringing about their own demise. It may not happen immediately, but it will happen.

We've been accused of making this political. We haven't. The politics were forced on us. The reasons of the proponents bear this out. When we respond politically,  we're charged with making it political or told to go away.

How does on reason with people like this. As I've found out, you can't.

Unity is achieved among people who have the same mind.

Eric Broch

On 7/14/2020 4:07 AM, jdow wrote:
Please Marc, stick to technical merit for your argument. Getting nasty does not solve technical problems, which we have here. Attacks are not going to solve anything. Rational arguments may not. But, they should be made just the same. Then the open source developers will go off and do what they (think they) want. The job is to lead them to thinking they want something different for what they see as good reasons. Personally I believe the change is a technical failure and will not provide the social results they seem to desire. They should think about it.


On 20200714 02:57:19, Marc Roos wrote:

To you and others spouting off, be reminded that this is a publicly
archived mailing list and you
will be on the wrong side of history. Consider that when you post.

You must be feeling like a king in your little PMC? Who are you to judge
whom is on the wrong side of history. No wonder people raise questions
here, with someone like you deciding things. I think the PMC should
disqualify your vote.

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