On Mon, 4 Jan 2021, Joey J wrote:

If I'm understanding things correctly, there is a way for me to BCC spam
messages which lets say score 10 and send a BCC to an email address, but
I'm trying to do it within only 1 rule, as well as modify the subject.

What I don't want is a BCC sent for every messages which is scored a 10,
but only the specific rule.

Is there a way for me to accomplish this set of actions?

You can't BCC the message within SpamAssassin, as SA only scores messages. The MTA or glue layer (what ties SA into your MTA) is what determines *delivery* of the message based on SA's score.

Potentially, your MTA or glue layer could be configured to look for a specific scored rule name appearing in the header that lists rule hits and if found deliver the message to another destination.

But specifically how to do that depends on your MTA and/or your glue. What are you using?

I'm pretty sure SA only allows setting the subject tag by language, not based on rule hits. You may beable to modify the subject in the MTA/glue at the same point you do the extra delivery.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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