On Wed, 13 Jan 2021, Philipp Ewald wrote:


we try to deliver mails to GMX/WEB but we got frequency blocked because "ro-reply@ Mails" hits following rules:

SUBJ_OBFU_PUNCT_FEW -> Possible punctuation-obfuscated Subject: header

SUBJ_OBFU_PUNCT_MANY ->  Punctuation-obfuscated Subject: header

The scores on those rules are rather low - they are not "poison pills". What *else* are those mails hitting?

An actual sample of a problematic subject text would be very helpful to allow us to suggest how you could fix the problem or to add an exception for the rule if it's a valid FP.

i can't find any good declaration for this rules.. can some one explain please? (easy as possible)
Does that has todo with ".", ";", ":" in Headers?

Alex did a good job. Basically: multiple instances of letter-punct-letter or punct-letter-punct in the message subject.

Spammers have used punctuation to obfuscate "trigger words" in subjects, like:

   :B:U:Y: :Y:O:U:R: :C:H:E:A:P: :V:I:A:G:R:A: :H:E:R:E: :T:O:D:A:Y:

in an attempt to bypass naïve text matching filters. These rules are intended to detect that.

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