On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 11:45:57 +1000
Simon Wilson wrote:

> Hi list,
> I've extracted below the top lines of timing for my SA checks on  
> emails, and am wondering if these are along the lines of general  
> expectations and performance with some of the DNS-based checks?

You can work around the delays by having multiple spamd processes per
cpu or by reducing the timeouts. The latter may result in less
accuracy, so I wouldn't that unless you have a high enough load to
justify it.

Most DNS look-ups run in parallel with the regex rules. In 4.0/trunk
that also applies to Pyzor, Razor, and DCC.

If you have an Authentication-Results or Received-SPF header above your
first/lowest trusted header SA can use that instead of doing lookups.

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