On 2021-04-27 03:03 PM, Dave Wreski wrote:
Invalid List-ID. You can then use that with other weirdness in a meta. header    __LIST_ID_DOMAIN_IN_BRACKETS List-id =~ /<([\w-]+)(\.[\w-]+)+>/ meta   LIST_ID_IMPROPER_FORMAT __HAS_LIST_ID && !__LIST_ID_DOMAIN_IN_BRACKETS
describe LIST_ID_IMPROPER_FORMAT List-id has improper format

You lost me here. The spam has this:

List-Id: MzY3NDAxMi01Nzg2LTU= <MzY3NDAxMi01Nzg2LTU=.list-id.mailin.fr>

That's not legit? It's in brackets.

It's matching on the text before the brackets.

I meant to say that it's not matching the __LIST_ID_DOMAIN_IN_BRACKETS
because of the text before the brackets, so the rule

OK, gotcha. But now I gotta ask: I see the host tacked onto the random bit of text in the brackets, but why is it significant that the part outside the brackets doesn't exactly match the part inside? How does that let us know the email is bogus?

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