On Sat, 8 May 2021 17:04:00 -0400
Alex wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand the FROMNAME rules and a potential conflict
> I understand FROMNAME_SPOOF is designed to catch differences like:
> From: "no-re...@amazon.com" <j...@example.com>
> but what other spoofs is the FromName.pm plugin designed to catch?

That's pretty much it.  The plugin never really needed to exist.

> I've also noticed that the PDS_FROM_2_EMAILS meta and
> PDS_FROMNAME_SPOOFED_EMAIL hits on many similar components that I
> wondered if there's overlap

Duplication is quite common. 

PDS_FROMNAME_SPOOFED_EMAIL doesn't appear to exist anymore. 

PDS_FROM_2_EMAILS is similar to what the plugin does, but it contains
exclusions that, amongst other things, reduce matches on mail from
actual mail servers.  It include "&& !__DKIM_EXISTS", so it's useless in
the case where <j...@example.com> is from an account or mail-system
abused to gain a DMARC pass. 

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