Cian ApacheBugzilla <> writes:

>> However, the shared IP comment is worth paying attention to
> Ah, so you think I should get a dedicated IP?  I had read mixed things

I meant tha you should understand what's going on.

> I'm a little confused which way you mean this.  If I understand
> correctly, positive points in SA are bad, but you are subtracting
> points with your rule.  Are you saying you get less spam from domains
> listed by RP?

Sorry, I pasted the wrong line.  There have been multiple returnpath
listing levels, and they have changed over the years, and the names have
changed.  I didn't keep notes, but my score adjustments are to give a
small positive score (2) to the lower of the VALIDITY rules, and a
negative to the higher one.  Keep in mind this is based on what arrived
in my mailbox, and possibly a very long time ago.

score   RCVD_IN_VALIDITY_SAFE           2       # was -2
score   RCVD_IN_VALIDITY_CERTIFIED      -2      # was -3

The real point is to evaluate what arrives and realize that all RBLs,
positive and negative, need to be assessed.

> Anyway, I might have to migrate my domain and get a dedicated IP
> first, but with a dedicated IP, I could try to get on  I
> imagine that would have a similar effect, minus having to spend money,
> right? has NONE/LOW/MED/HIGH.  NONE is mostly for skipping
greylisting, and I'm not sure what it takes to get on LOW and MED.  I
know it takes a lot to get on HIGH.   Unlike companies that take money
for listing, I have confidence in dnswl to act in the interests of
receivers that use their RBL.

>> "listed as contacts" sort of sounds like you are spamming...
> Honestly, I wasn't sure how to explain this without going down the
> rabbit hole of explaining my whole situation.  Any contact I'm
> "cold-emailing" is coming from a page with text such as:

I see, so that sounds ok.

>> That is probably your entire issue.  UCEPROTECT
> So you basically recommend switching from NameCheap, to a registrar
> that isn't listed on UCEPROTECT_LVL3?  A part of me hates to do it,
> since I'm basically validating UCEPROTECT's philosophy, but it'll cost
> me, what, $8?  I could live with that, if this is your number one
> suggestion.  I'll even write to NameCheap and tell them this is why
> I'm leaving.

I am not saying what you should do.  My point is that you do not seem to
truly understand what is going on (fair enough, the world is opaque and
complicated) and that understanding it is good.

>> .space is Widely Regarded as Sketchy
> I still have pretty strong feelings about this, but that's a debate
> for a different time and a different thread.  Would you say I am
> likely to solve my problem without changing domain names?

I really don't know, but using a domain name that leads to people giving
it spam points seems like an uphill battle.

>> As for your "domain", also look up the IP address your mail comes from, 
>> because that's more important.> A lookup service I have found useful is:
> Ok, actually, I got some interesting results for, which
> is a Zoho server I have apparently sent mail from.  Some blacklists,
> some yellow lists, some whitelists, and a bunch of blue and red.  Do
> you think Zoho is the bigger problem than NameCheap?

I said you should understand if you have a shared IP, and *who else is
sharing it*.  When they spam, it gets the IP on lists, which causes you

It looks like spam comes from that IP address.

> My takeaway here is that I should be switching registrars, I should
> probably pay for a dedicated IP address, and once I'm getting a
> dedicated IP, anyway, I should try to get on a whitelist (probably
> dnswl, unless you have a better suggestion).  Would you agree with
> that summary?  Or do you think Zoho is the more likely problem?

I really don't know, and you may need a consultant to help you figure it
out.  In general, I recommend not sending mail from an IP address that
other people send spam from, and not dealing with companies that provide
any kind of services to spammers.

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