Go find the rule in the rule sets. In my old SL7 install I get a bundle more than makes sense with a simple  "sudo grep -r USER_IN BLACKLIST /var/lib/spamassassin". People with more prejudices than good sense decided "BLACK" in a rule name is R*A*C*I*S*T so they broke everything renaming it "BLOCK". So change any rules YOU may have that say USER_IN_BLACKLIST to USER_IN_BLOCKLIST so the block heads are happy.

I'll go crawl back in my hole of hates needless controversy and leave the rest to you and others. I'm racist because I'd rather spend effort on something productive after dealing with a government jerk over the term of art "fork". Basically we were told to do the impossible and "get the fork out of there," That wasted about $100,000 of our time that could have been used to make the product work better. After the ensuing problems we went back to the unmodified version of GRiD-OS and magically everything worked again. The waste was offensive - in that case and this one.


On 20221017 09:42:39, Roberto Puzzanghera via users wrote:
I have plenty of these in my headers

0.0 USER_IN_BLOCKLIST      From: user is listed in the block-list

but I don't know how to get USER_IN_BLOCKLIST working in place of USER_IN_BLACKLIST.

Any help appreciated

Greetings, Roberto

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