
I have the following line:

whitelist_from_rcvd     *@ceipalmm.com mailgun.net

And tried it on a message that had:

Return-Path: <blur...@mg2.ceipalmm.com>

But it didn't get whitelisted.  If I change the pattern above to 
"*@mg2.ceipalmm.com" it works.  I thought the matching included subdomains, and 
seem to remember that working.

But just ran a simple test and that's not the case.

Is this a bug?  Looking at Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/WLBLEval.pm I see:

            if ($rdns =~ /(?:^|\.)\Q${domain}\E$/i) { $match=1; last }

So I *thought* that was what was happening, but testing says otherwise.




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