On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 12:42:43PM +0200, i...@servermx.com wrote:
> Hello,
> we have installed Spamassassin (debian 11.6) vesion 4.0 from source.
> With backend MariaDB 10.5.18-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 - Debian 11.
> Spamassassin is raising these messages
> info: config: not parsing, administrator setting: use_pyzor\t0
> info: config: failed to parse line in (sql config) (line 9): use_pyzor\t0
> info: config: not parsing, administrator setting: use_razor2\t0
> info: config: failed to parse line in (sql config) (line 10): use_razor2\t0
> Nevertheless, in the execution phase Spamassasin performs RAZOR2 check,
> here below an excerpt of out log file.
> at Apr 29 11:11:35 2023 [1768541] info: spamd: result: Y 899 -
> scantime=10.7,size=29004,use
> We do not get these  messages when we use the old version 3.4.6.
> Are these parameters still valid or are they deprecated? or what else?

In 4.0 they are administrator (site-wide) setting only, 3.4 incorrectly did
not have that restriction.

To disable rules per-user, set the rule scores to 0 in sql.

If you want to disable the plugins completely, then do not load them at all
or use the settings in local.cf (can't remember right now if SQL supports
site-wide/admin settings).

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