> I assume that you mean so that your outbound SMTP server is actually
> authorized in some capacity and fall under "all".  Is that correct?

indeed afaik -all is all authorized

> > When you configure your spf your result is either pass, softfail or
> fail
> > I think we can agree that a correctly configured spf results in a
> pass,
> > don't you?
> I agree that known and authorized sources of email for my domain are
> authorized in the SPF record for my domain.
> I thought you were alluding to a particular value of "all".  I did not
> understand your statement to be about servers being authorized or not.

gmail/google/outlook are using ~all, resulting in the softfail. For those 
networks if have decided to treat only their ~all as a -all. 

> I've had a number of conversations with people of late that seem to
> dislike "-all" almost as much as others dislike "+all".

I am always using -all. I honestly can't think of a good argument to use 
anything else. 

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