Where can I get the latest version for windows?
Will this do: http://search.cpan.org/~freeside/Mail-SPF-Query-1.997/

When I do:
F:\Perl\bin>ppm verify --upgrade Mail-SPF-Query
I get:
Package 'Mail-SPF-Query' is up to date.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Kettler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 May 2005 01:17
To: Ben Wylie
Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Subject: Re: Expiry issues, SPF, Trusted path and more

Ben Wylie wrote:
> Now that I have got my trusted networks sorted out, may I ask this
> again?
> =================================================
> Secondly it appears that even when it has all the information to do the
> check, it can't find the module. I thought i had installed it, and when i
> to f:\perl\bin and run "ppm install Mail-SPF-Query" it says:
> ========================
> F:\Perl\bin>ppm install Mail-SPF-Query
> Version 1.6 of 'Mail-SPF-Query' is already installed.
> Remove it, or use 'verify --upgrade Mail-SPF-Query'
> ========================

I'm not sure why it's not spitting out the message, but 1.6 won't cut it.

To quote the source code of SPF.pm:

"Mail::SPF::Query 1.996 or later required, this is

That message should appear right above the debug line you do get:

debug: SPF: cannot load or create Mail::SPF::Query module

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