OK.  I misunderstood.  The URIBLS are working fine.  Interestingly, although
I use the SARE rules and URIBLS, some spam is still slipping through.  This
spam is fairly obvious spam some I am a bit surprised.  Should I be tweaking
the scoring?

>>>>> "MK" == Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   MK> Jake Colman wrote:
   >>>>>>> "CS" == Chris Santerre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
   CS> If you are using SA 3.x, support is already included. You simply have
   CS> to create the config file, restart spamd, and *poof* way less spam.
   CS> Net::Dns is required. I forget which version. I forget a lot of
   CS> stuff. What was the question?
   >> Chris,
   >> Now I'm confused.  The usage page on the site says to create a simple .cf
   >> file containing a number of lines.  Is that it?  If I have that .cf file 
   >> my /etc/mail/spamassassin directory it will all simply work? 
   >> ...Jake

   MK> Jake, that "simple cf file" *should* already included by default with SA 
   MK> You really shouldn't have to create a config file, or do anything at all 
to get
   MK> URIBL's going.

   MK> http://www.surbl.org/  mentions suggestions about adding rules, but most 
of the
   MK> surbl lists are already built into SA 3.0. The only one that's missing 
is the JP
   MK> list, which came on-line to late to make it into the 3.0 release. Add it 
if you
   MK> want, but do so AFTER you get the built-in ones going.

   MK> If the URIBLs aren't going, check these two things:

   MK> 1) check to make sure you have /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre. Some
   MK> distribution packages left this file out when they converted the tarball 
   MK> Without the init.pre, the plugin for URIBL's doesn't get loaded.

   MK> It should have this statement in it to support URIBLs:

   MK> loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL

   >> Yes, I have Net::DNS since I am already doing all the other net checks.

   MK> 2) Just because your copy of Net::DNS works for RBLs does not mean it 
will work
   MK> for the URIBLs. You need a higher version of Net::DNS to support URIBLs 
than you
   MK> need for normal net checks.

   MK> Check spamassassin --lint -D to see if it's complaining about the 
version of
   MK> Net::DNS.

Jake Colman
Sr. Applications Developer
Principia Partners LLC
Harborside Financial Center
1001 Plaza Two
Jersey City, NJ 07311
(201) 209-2467

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