I have seen this before as well.  I think that it assumes that the
process is dead after it tries to kill and but in reality it's not
because it's still processing an email.  I put a sleep 10 in right after
the $RETVAL=$? in the SA init script.

I think the reason is that the init script tries to do a graceful
shutdown (correct me if I'm wrong) and that shutdown may take a couple
seconds for any spawned threads that are currently processing.  But the
kill statement seems to have already returned with success as the
application has accepted the kill statement.  Then it tries to start a
new thread but the port is still technically in use by a session which
is being killed.

It's either that or someone didn't implement the tcp port correctly.  I
haven't takenthe time to look at the code though.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2005 7:43 AM
> To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
> Subject: /etc/rc.d/init.d/spamassassin restart
> I run a crojob every six hours to shutdown and restart spamassassin.
> below
> has appeared twice in the past week, on the fourth and this morning.
> I
> see as odd is that SA is apparently still running as spam is still
> tagged.  Is it possible that on a previous shutdown command that all
> running spamd processes were not killed thus causing this?
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Shutting down spamd: [  OK  ]
> Starting spamd: Could not create INET socket on Address
>  already in use (IO::Socket::INET: Address already in use) [FAILED]
> -------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Chris
> Registered Linux User 283774 http://counter.li.org
> 09:37:29 up 2 days, 18:13, 2 users, load average: 0.69, 0.26, 0.18
> Mandriva Linux 10.1 Official, kernel
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> A bad dinner with your wife is worth more than a good one in the
> of
> your mother-in-law.
>               -- A law for married men
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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