I have since taken bayes out as I get WAY better results without it.  The 
reason this happens to me is that I get to many spam
mailings that poison the db and I end up with allot of spam that shows up as a 
Bayes_00.  I use all the Network tests but I get
allot of spam that has not been added yet.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jo3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@spamassassin.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 12:27 PM
Subject: rules better than bayes?

| Hi,
| This is an observation, please take it in the spirit in which it is
| intended, it is not meant to be flame bait.
| After using spamassassin for six solid months, it seems to me that the
| bayes process (sa-learn [--spam | --ham]) has only very limited success
| in learning about new spam.  Regardless of how many spams and hams are
| submitted, the effectiveness never goes above the default level which,
| in our case here, is somewhere around 2 out of 3 spams correctly
| identified.  By the same token, after adding the "third party" rule,
| airmax.cf, the effectiveness went up to 99 out of 100 spams correctly
| identified.
| So far, we have not had a single ham misidentified as spam with over one
| million messages examined.
| Throughout the documentation, there seems to be a bias toward the bayes
| filter rather than the rule system.  Does anyone on the list have some
| thoughts which would help to explain my observation as to why a single
| rule would appear so successful while a million spams and hams would
| have so little effect?
| Thank you,
| Jo3

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