when you run ./rbldnsd -h
you should see:
-b address[/port] - bind to (listen on) this address (required)

So you can bind the rbldnsd to another alias IP address,diff from the IP that 
your BIND server is listening to.
I think there is no conflict between the rbldnsd and the BIND.

>Jeff Peng wrote:
>> hi,Irina,
>> rbldnsd is really a simple dns server.you can use it directly,no any
>> need to bind.and,you can use rsync to download the rbl files. 
>I have both rbldnsd and bind running on my 2 nameservers.  I had to
>bind(pardon the pun) rbldnsd
>To a separate alias IP, as I couldn't seem to make bind9 do the forward
>Rbldnsd is in FreeBSD ports (although it seems to be a release or 2 down,
>I'll probably submit
>An update soon).
>Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
>Phone: +1 512-248-2683                 E-Mail: ler@lerctr.org
>US Mail: 430 Valona Loop, Round Rock, TX 78681-3683 US

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