Thank you for the fast reply,
But I need somethig a little bit more complicated:
I want to ensure the a whole .procmailrc execution will be completed before a 
next begins.
I am trying to do a small experiment : In my .procmailrc I call to 3 different 
spamfilter, and then I write the results to a file. there for I must ensure 
execution completion before another execution begin.
Does anyone know how can I do it?
Thank you,

On Mon 23 Jan 19:58 2006 Mike Jackson wrote:
> > I am using spamassasin in .procmailrc (unix account).
> > my question is about .procmailrc:
> > is .procmailrc synchronized? I mean, if two new mails are coming to my 
> > accout, will the first .procmailrc script execution finish before the 
> > second execution will start?
> > I am trying to do something so the order is very importent.
> This seems more like a question for a procmail mailing list than this one, 
> but oh well. procmail executes once for each message it processes, so you 
> could have more than one procmail process running concurrently. If you are 
> concerned that one action is finished before the next begins, use file 
> locking. For instance, here's an entry from my file where I execute ClamAV:
> :0fw: clamailfilter.lock
> | /usr/local/bin/clamscan-procfilter
> That way, even if more than one procmail process is running, ClamAV will 
> only be running for one of them at a time.

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