Markus a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Spam Assassin is working perfectly for my friend Jason. Our settings, email 
> accounts, everything is identical. We have the same domain name at the end of 
> our addresses, but I get the spam. He has implimented rules in the 
> file to mark certain words as spam. I can send him my spam, and it marks it 
> as 
> spam, with the hit value marked appropriately. He sends it back, and I get it 
> unmarked, with the hit value very low. This seems to be the case with 
> everyone 
> else around here, except for Jason's account. We have had these 2 email 
> accounts for over a year. It seems as if SA is only working on his email 
> account. Any suggestions?

1- does he have rules that you others don't? It is generally recommended
to use some SARE rules (Visit make sure
you know why you use any of these (the * are quite safe).

2- does he use Bayes? Then maybe he retrains his SA correctly but you don't.

3- do you have the correct setting for trusted_networks? If you see spam
with ALL_TRUSTED then you need to fix trusted_networks.

See the wiki for more infos.

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