On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 07:54 -0500, Payal Rathod wrote:
> Hi,
> >From 4-5 days I have been receiving a lot of spams, 100s of them with 
> weird subjects like, Re: a f news 141, Re: K R news 721, Re: B l news 
> 203 etc.
> I have with bayes learned alteast 200 of them, but they are still pouring in.
> Any ideas on their blocking?
> With warm regards,
> -Payal

Hi I was having the same problem with these messages.  Bayes didn't
prove to be very effective on them, for me.  I didn't find
70_sare_specific.cf to reduce these messages either.  However, some
fellow listees assisted me in fixing my SURBL configuration and it has
nailed every one since.

With SA 3 SURBL support is built in, I believe you just have to enable
it and if you are using MIMEDefang, enable Network Tests in there.




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