Henry F. Camacho Jr wrote:

True.. And that username CAN be specified by spamc -u. Spamc passes it to spamd,
spamd uses it when calling SQL.
Quoting from the SPAMc man page:

       -u username
This argument has been semi-obsoleted. To have spamd use per-user-config files, run spamc as the user whose config files spamd should load. If youâre running spamc as some other user, though, (eg. root,
           mail, nobody, cyrus, etc.)  then you can still use this flag.

In this situation this would work assuming that local delivery is happening through procmail or some other method whereby spamc is called with the username. The -u option for spamd does something very interesting. It takes the user portion of the address and stripes off the domain, so you get something like this:

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is passed to spamd as "hfc"

It will find just hfc, but I really need it to find the whole to: address so that I can use this site wide.

Thanks for your help with


Just do what Matt said and pass the username to spamc with the -u option. It'll do exactly what you want.

You do NOT want to be calling spamd for every message. Start it once, it's the daemon. Pass messages to spamc (using the -u option), it's the client.


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