> -----Original Message-----
> From: Donald F. Caruana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 08:51
> To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
> Subject: RE: ImageInfo plugin for SA
> Sorry if I missed it, but why such a large area for the GIF 
> size? Or maybe I don't understand how that works... I just 
> had 3 image spams but only one got caught by this rule. The 
> two that didn't actually had smaller pixer coverage, ~67K.

Then they were not stock gif's.  The purpose of the rules I created were
to knock out the stock spams... not any spam with an inline gif in it.

> I know this is a bit of a "quick fix" and not real 
> scientific, but why not lower the pixel coverage area? Why 
> did you decide on 180K?

I went through a corpus of stock spams, and calculated pixel coverage on
them.  If you want to narrow it down, about 90% of them were between
204k-256k pixel/sq.  

I still have some enhancements in the works for ImageInfo functions like

eval:contrast_level()   -> read image data and count ratio of black/dark
pixels to the number of white/light pixes.
eval:dust_count()       -> read image data and count the amount of dust
(ie off-color pixel surrounded by like-color pixels)

but these are much more involved..


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