
Thanks for the info.  I will update the .8.  As for the database, which
is the primary concern, the user account is correct.  I have logged into
the database from that server using the same credentials from the
local.cf file.  I had thought that we might have restricted by subnet so
I did indeed try that last night.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] spamassassin]# mysql -u xxxxxxx -h xx.xx.xx.xx -D
spamassassin -p 
Enter password: 
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6649341 to server version: 4.1.7-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_spamassassin |
| awl                    | 
| bayes_expire           | 
| bayes_global_vars      | 
| bayes_seen             | 
| bayes_token            | 
| bayes_vars             | 
| userpref               | 
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from bayes_global_vars;
| variable | value |
| VERSION  | 3     | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


-----Original Message-----
From: Daryl C. W. O'Shea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 12:38 AM
To: Gary W. Smith
Cc: users@spamassassin.apache.org
Subject: Re: Bayes DB version issue 3.1.3 => 3.1.4

On 8/8/2006 3:29 AM, Gary W. Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> I can't remember smoking crack when copying the config files over but 
> anything's possible. 
> I built out a new machine today and installed SA.  We have a list of 
> CPAN modules that were installed (same list as from the 3.1.3
> I copied everything in the /etc/mail/spamassassin from our productions

> servers to the test server and after starting we receive errors.  I
> checked and the MySQL data instance is accessible from this server.  
> There are also several rules that are errors as well.
> I know that someone has asked this question already but I didn't find 
> the answer in the thread archive.
> Here are the contents of the log file:
> Aug  7 21:45:59 labtest01c spamd[2693]: config: score: the non-numeric

> score (.8) is not valid, a numeric score is required
> Aug  7 21:45:59 labtest01c spamd[2693]: config: SpamAssassin failed to

> parse line, "SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID .8 0.212 0.682 1.677" is not valid for 
> "score", skipping: score SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID .8 0.212 0.682 1.677

".8" requires a leading zero.

> Aug  7 21:46:01 labtest01c spamd[2693]: bayes: database version 0 is 
> different than we understand (3), aborting! at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/BayesStore/SQL.pm
> 135.
> Aug  7 21:46:03 labtest01c spamd[2693]: bayes: database version 0 is 
> different than we understand (3), aborting! at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Mail/SpamAssassin/BayesStore/SQL.pm
> 135.

SQL server privilege issue?

> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test
> has undefined dependency 'RAZOR2_CHECK'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test
> has undefined dependency 'DCC_CHECK'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test
> has undefined dependency '__DRUGS_ERECTILE7'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_SUB_ACCEPT_CCARDS has undefined dependency
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_SPEC_PROLEO_M2a has dependency 'MIME_QP_LONG_LINE' with a zero
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_HEAD_SUBJ_RAND has undefined dependency 'SARE_XMAIL_SUSP2'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_HEAD_SUBJ_RAND has undefined dependency 'SARE_HEAD_XAUTH_WARN'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_HEAD_SUBJ_RAND has dependency 'X_AUTH_WARN_FAKED' with a zero
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test SARE_RD_SAFE 
> has undefined dependency 'SARE_RD_SAFE_MKSHRT'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test SARE_RD_SAFE 
> has undefined dependency 'SARE_RD_SAFE_GT'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test SARE_RD_SAFE 
> has undefined dependency 'SARE_RD_SAFE_TINY'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_MSGID_LONG45 has undefined dependency '__SARE_MSGID_LONG50'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_MSGID_LONG45 has undefined dependency '__SARE_MSGID_LONG55'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_MSGID_LONG45 has undefined dependency '__SARE_MSGID_LONG65'
> Aug  7 21:46:05 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_MSGID_LONG45 has undefined dependency '__SARE_MSGID_LONG75'
> Aug  7 21:46:06 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> VIRUS_WARNING_DOOM_BNC has undefined dependency
> Aug  7 21:46:06 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test 
> SARE_OBFU_CIALIS has undefined dependency 'SARE_OBFU_CIALIS2'
> Aug  7 21:46:06 labtest01c spamd[2693]: rules: meta test
> has undefined dependency 'FP_PENETRATION'

Not errors, just info.

> Aug  7 21:46:07 labtest01c spamd[2693]: spamd: server started on port 
> 783/tcp (running version 3.1.4)
> Aug  7 21:46:07 labtest01c spamd[2693]: spamd: server pid: 2693
> Aug  7 21:46:07 labtest01c spamd[2693]: spamd: server successfully 
> spawned child process, pid 2700
> Aug  7 21:46:07 labtest01c spamd[2693]: spamd: server successfully 
> spawned child process, pid 2701
> Aug  7 21:46:07 labtest01c spamd[2693]: prefork: child states: II

Normal startup info.


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