decoder wrote:


Major changes: Replaced imagemagick with netpbm, support png, invoked
giffix for broken gifs, detect image format with magic bytes and not
by content-type, added various configuration options.

I install the above plugin, and i keep getting the same error.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] spamtest]# spamassassin -t < spam-gif-1.txt
sh: /usr/bin/giffix: No such file or directory
giftopnm: error reading magic number
(null): Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty.
sh: /usr/bin/giffix: No such file or directory
giftopnm: error reading magic number
(null): Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty.
sh: /usr/bin/giffix: No such file or directory
giftopnm: error reading magic number
(null): Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty.

I notice the error occur when the attachment is gif format.

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