two bits of sa related code i've written, neither of them are what i'd particularly call "polished", but if you feel like firing them up, i'd love to hear your feedback:

This is a plugin that does nothing more complicated than check for the case of something like <a href="";></ a>. I've run it on and off since August of last year, although most of the time was not after 3.1.1 (which is why I only claim it works on 3.1). I don't have a suggested score for it (would love feedback there). I ran it at .1 mostly to see how much it triggered and fp'd (not much, as it turns out. I know this has been a problem in the past, so I'm wondering if the normalization code helps there, or I've just been lucky). As noted, this has some rewrite bits coming when I get some time.

This is a script that does several obvious things and one possibly not-so-obvious thing:

- You configure it, telling it what your spam and ham folders are, and after that it will automatically train whenever you invoke it, without having to explicitly configure folders to scan (I find this useful for cron jobs, and less typing when I'm doing the same obvious thing every couple days). - It also scans your ham boxes and automatically rebuilds your whitelist based on the contents of presumed food folders (this will mangle your user_prefs. READ THE DOCS ON HOW THIS WORKS SO YOU DON'T LOSE OTHER SETTINGS.)

I've been using variants of this script since about a week after the first SA with training came out. I finally generalized it a little last month, and have been running it nightly via cron ever since.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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