Logan Shaw wrote:
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, jdow wrote:
From: "Joe Zitnik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Our scanning program has the ability to archive all e-mail, both inbound
and outbound, which we have been doing for months now.  Given that your
outbound mail is almost certainly ham, the majority of it's content is
going to be specific to our business sector, wouldn't feeding outbounds
through bayes manually be a win win situation?  Am I oversimplifying
things, or am I missing something with that logic?

If the terms in the outbound mail are likely to be the same as
acceptable terms on the inbound mail that may be true.

There will be a strong correlation, because most users tend to
quote the entire e-mail when they reply.  Granted, this only
affects replies, but if someone is quoting a message you sent
to them, Bayes is probably right to score that as ham.

sure, but
- people don't reply to newsletters.
- don't reply to all ML mail


- virus may send outbound mail
- autoreply robots may replay to spam

so don't use your outbound mail as ham feed unless you know what you're doing.

More importantly, Bayes is a classification method that has been shown to work in some situations, without a mathemetical proof. getting beyond these "situations" require serious experimentation. or you run the risk to join a cargo cult.

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