Heya guys! (and girls!)
Quick question about spamassassin's sa-learn feature. I am running spamassassin on a semi-large webhosting server, and I can't seem to find rather or not when I run sa-learn, if what it learns it will apply to only that email address it was ran on, or the entire domain, or all of the domains hosted on the box. Example of what I am running:
sa-learn --no-sync --spam /home/username/Maildir/.INBOX.spam/cur
The ideal way I would like to do is setup a [EMAIL PROTECTED] email address, get that receiving a good amount of spam, and have spamassassin run on that account and when I seperate the ham from spam, have the information it learns from that account apply to EVERY account it checks.
It is running on CentOS 4.3. I am running spamassassin version 3.1.4. I am making use of spamd.
Thanks for your help!

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