Email Lists wrote:
-> -> What is wrong with the following instructions taken from : -> -> -> -> "Subscription: send mail to users-subscribe -at-
-> Unsubscribe: send mail to users-unsubscribe -at-"
-> -> -> --
-> Anthony Peacock

My fault, that blah at blahblahblah stuff just doesn't jump out at me and
even though it is bold and large, the stuff below it gets my attention more
because they are www "links...

Can anyone relate?

Agreed! Even though I knew it was there I had to read very carefully to find the part we needed. I think it is a symptom that I scan read web pages these days, looking for the one thing I want to find.

Personally, I would make it stand out in a different yet better way... it
isn't like I didn't look for it for 15 minutes and I quit being "stupid"
years ago...

Its a wiki, you can change it.

Or so I thought  ;-)

I constantly amaze myself at the stupid things I do.

Anthony Peacock
CHIME, Royal Free & University College Medical School
"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples
then you and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an
idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us
will have two ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw

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