John Andersen wrote:
> Contemplating adding DCC to my SA config.
> I already do the SURBL tests and Razor2.
> Will I likely gain any thing via this?  Does DCC catch what other
> tests miss?

For what it's worth, this is from seven days of logging on my company's
mail server:

$ zgrep "RAZOR2_" spamc.log.?.gz |wc -l
$ zgrep "DCC_" spamc.log.?.gz |wc -l

And yes, I have DCC enabled.

$ pwd
$ grep "^loadplugin.*DCC" *
v310.pre:loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC

Now, granted, there might be a problem loading or running the DCC
plugin.  I haven't looked to see, yet.  I'm a little surprised that
nothing's triggered it in the last week, but Razor2 has *always* been
significantly more effective than DCC at my site, so I'm not at all
worried by it.

Incidentally, the breakdown looks like this:

Type                  Total    %
All Messages          119528   100
Spam                   98168    82
Spam w/Razor2          49054    41

Percent of Spam w/Razor2        50

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