On Mon, 23 Oct 2006, Jo Rhett wrote:

> David B Funk wrote:
> > On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, Jo Rhett wrote:
> >
> >> Richard Frovarp wrote:
> >>> Or for any machine that hosts more domains than has IPs. Even being able
> >>> to edit the reverse doesn't mean it will always be the same.
> >> How many different names does your mailserver use in its HELO?
> >>
> >> And what mailserver is that?  That's not possible in qmail, postfix,
> >> sendmail, et al...
> >
> > You're a bit behind the times Jo, check out the 'h' argument to
> > 'ClientPortOptions' or the 'HeloName' variable in sendmail 8.13.
> I can find no documentation of either.  Googling just gets me lots of
> examples of a script called SendMail()

Some of us pre-date Sir Timothy & his bright idea, had to make our
ones & zeros the hard way by banging two rocks together, had to learn
to find and read documentation. (I first ran into sendmail on a VAX-750
running BSD-4.2 in the early 80's).

In every sendmail release for the last decade there's been a document
"doc/op/op.me" which is the  configuration and operations manual. In that
doc for 8.13.* you'll find:

                [O]  Set  client  SMTP options.  The options
                are key=value  pairs  separated  by  commas.
                Known keys are:

                    Port      Name/number of source port for connection 
(defaults to any free port)
                    Addr      Address mask (defaults INADDR_ANY)
                    Family    Address family (defaults to INET)
                    SndBufSizeSize of TCP send buffer
                    RcvBufSizeSize of TCP receive buffer
                    Modifier  Options (flags) for the client

                The Address mask may be a numeric address in
                dot notation or a  network  name.   Modifier
                can be the following character:

                    h         use name of interface for HELO command
                    A         don't use AUTH when sending e-mail
                    S         don't use STARTTLS when sending e-mail

                If  ``h''  is set, the name corresponding to
                the outgoing interface address (whether cho-
                sen  via  the  Connection  parameter  or the
                default) is used for the HELO/EHLO  command.

Now if the only way you can relate to things is via a web-page then
look at: http://www.sendmail.org/doc/sendmail-current/doc/op/op.pdf

> Looking at the code, heloname would appear to be statically defined,

I'm not sure what your strong points are Jo, but reading 'c' code doesn't
appear to be one of them. I made no mention of 'heloname' ('c' is case
sensitive). In the sendmail source file readcf.c the variable 'HeloName'
is assigned a value in the case statement:

          case O_HELONAME:
                HeloName = newstr(val);

where 'val' is the token that has just been parsed out of the config file.
(not a static definition).

> which brings me back to my original point: how many names does his
> mailserver use in helo?
> Sure, if it has 3 interfaces (and uses them all) then he'll need three
> names.  But he won't need 1000 or however many virtual hosts he has...

If that was your point, then why did you make that bogus assertion that
it wasn't possible for MTAs (at least sendmail) to use different HELO names?
And if he wants to use TLS-SSL then he'll have to have a different
interface and matching name for each virtual host.

My whole point here was not to make you look foolish but to point
out that maybe you should stop and think a bit more before going off
and making unsupportable statements.

For example, a while back you were complaining about a FP from a bank
anti-phisihing rule. It was probably caused by that defective milter you
were using. A bit of digging (rather than ranting) might have shown
you something that other sendmail-2-SA milter authors found out years
ago, the need for that added 'Received:' header.

Dave Funk                                  University of Iowa
<dbfunk (at) engineering.uiowa.edu>        College of Engineering
319/335-5751   FAX: 319/384-0549           1256 Seamans Center
Sys_admin/Postmaster/cell_admin            Iowa City, IA 52242-1527
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Better is not better, 'standard' is better. B{

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