> Hi List
> It is possible that each incoming mail goes first to bayes and later to 
> spamassassin?
> Do you think that this procedure is good?
>                                      __________
> (Incoming mail) ------> |   (bayes)      |(yes)---->(delete it)
>                                      | it's spam?    |
>                                      |__________|
>                                      (no, goes to)
>                                             |
>                                             |
>                                             |
>                                        (spamassassin)----->(move the message 
> to folder /mailbox_user/.spam )
> I've attached the textart anyway if you can't see it
> How do I do it?

You could do that, but you'd have to use a separate bayes-only spam
tool. At that point, why bother? SA has it's own bayes system that it
will run when the message is fed to SA.

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