The other night my default gentoo RulesDuJour for Spamassassin acquired new
Adult and General rule-sets from SARE.  Thereafter spamd refused all
connections and subsequently received mail was not spam filtered. 
Issuing '/etc/init.d/spamd restart' as root resolved the situation...
but I don't want to have to do this every time a rule-set is
automatically updated overnight.

This is a (sanitised) extract from /var/log/messages :

Nov 15 03:20:00 svr fcron[5328]:     process already running: root's
/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons
Nov 15 03:20:14 svr postfix/pickup[11065]: ...: uid=0 from=<root>
Nov 15 03:20:14 svr postfix/cleanup[11232]: ...: message-id=...
Nov 15 03:20:15 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: connection from localhost
[] at port 1125
Nov 15 03:20:15 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: setuid to foouser succeeded
Nov 15 03:20:15 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: processing message .. for
Nov 15 03:20:18 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: clean message (-2.9/5.0) for
foouser:1000 in 3.1 seconds, 647 bytes.
Nov 15 03:20:18 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: result: . -2 - AWL,BAYES_00
Nov 15 03:20:18 svr postfix/local[11237]: ...
Nov 15 03:20:18 svr postfix/qmgr[5607]: ...: removed
Nov 15 03:20:19 svr spamd[5462]: prefork: child states: II
Nov 15 03:20:26 svr postfix/pickup[11065]: ...: uid=0 from=<root>
Nov 15 03:20:26 svr postfix/cleanup[11232]: ...
Nov 15 03:20:27 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: setuid to foouser succeeded
Nov 15 03:20:27 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: processing message ... for
Nov 15 03:20:29 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: clean message (-2.2/5.0) for
foouser:1000 in 2.7 seconds, 612 bytes.
Nov 15 03:20:29 svr spamd[7808]: spamd: result: . -2 - AWL,BAYES_05
Nov 15 03:20:29 svr postfix/local[11237]: EEA5F3B945:
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, orig_to=<root>, relay=local, delay=3, status=sent
(delivered to command: /usr/bin/proc
Nov 15 03:20:29 svr postfix/qmgr[5607]: EEA5F3B945: removed
Nov 15 03:20:30 svr spamd[5462]: prefork: child states: II
Nov 15 03:21:05 svr spamd[5462]: spamd: server killed by SIGTERM,
shutting down
Nov 15 03:21:11 svr rc-scripts: Failed to stop spamd
Nov 15 03:30:00 svr fcron[5328]:     process already running: root's
/usr/bin/test -x /usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons
Nov 15 03:40:00 svr fcron[11746]: Job /usr/bin/test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons started for user root (pid 11747)
Nov 15 03:50:00 svr fcron[11759]: Job /usr/bin/test -x
/usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons started for user root (pid 11760)
Nov 15 03:50:24 svr postfix/smtpd[11772]: connect from localhost[]
Nov 15 03:50:24 svr postfix/smtpd[11772]: ...: client=localhost[]
Nov 15 03:50:24 svr postfix/cleanup[11775]: ...: message-id=...
Nov 15 03:50:24 svr postfix/qmgr[5607]: 73FAA3B4FB: from=...
Nov 15 03:50:24 svr postfix/smtpd[11772]: disconnect from
Nov 15 03:50:24 svr spamc[11779]: connect(AF_INET) to spamd at
failed, retrying (#1 of 3): Connection refused
Nov 15 03:50:25 svr spamc[11779]: connect(AF_INET) to spamd at
failed, retrying (#2 of 3): Connection refused

Does anyone else have this problem?  Can it be attributed to fcron or
RulesDuJour or something peculiar to my setup?
I don't understand the "process already running" messages from fcron -
but my cron jobs all seem to be executed normally.

The script which was run immediately prior to spamd stopping accepting 
connections is the standard one supplied for Gentoo - a copy of the version I'm 
using is here :


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